Islamabad, Aug 12: Pakistan today warned that Israel's plans to sell an early-warning radar system to India's military could raise tensions in South Asia and destabilize the region. Pakistan also said that the United States, which last year asked Israel to postpone the deal recently, decided that it had no objections to the sale of the Phalcon advanced airborne radar system.
"The US decision would only enhance India's arrogance and its intransigence in refusing to resolve differences and could stimulate tension in the region," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
The statement said that the radar, which would be mounted on planes, would "destabilize the existing strategic balance with far-reaching security implications for the region."
Last year, Washington asked Israel to postpone the sale to India, citing increased tensions between India and Pakistan. The nuclear-armed neighbors have fought three wars and almost waged a fourth one in 2002.
The Phalcon Technology entirely belongs to Israel, so US permission technically is not required for the sale.
Bureau Report