Chennai, June 02: The DMK today said it had an open mind on electoral alliances with other parties for the next Lok Sabha polls. DMK chief M Karunanidhi told reporters here that the DMK was a constituent of the nda NDA but did not have any truck with the BJP in Tamil Nadu. "We continue to maintain our stand on this. We have good relationship with the NDA but we do not have any truck with BJP's Tamil Nadu unit. Even yesterday, one of the state BJP leader, had spoken ill of us," he said. Asked whether it would not affect the party in the next Lok Sabha polls, he said "We have not thought of the consequences of our stand, but maintain it". Asked for his comments on the remarks of a senior Congress leader Arjun Singh that the Congress would like to have an alliance with the DMK, he said it was his opinion. "No talks have been held on this," he said.

Bureau Report