Washington, June 26: Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has said his country would not proliferate nuclear technology but failed to categorically deny allegations that it had aided the North Korean nuclear programme in the past. "This is a closed chapter. It is an issue of the past. There is no proof whatsoever of nuclear linkage between Pakistan and North Korea,” Musharraf said at an interactive session after his speech at the us institute for peace last night.
"I would like to guarantee, as far as I am concerned that in future, Pakistan will never proliferate its nuclear technology,” he added.
US media had reported that North Korea received from Pakistan designs for gas centrifuges to make weapons-grade uranium to manufacture fissile material for nuclear bombs.
There were also reports that a Pakistani cargo plane picked up missile parts in North Korea a year ago, alleging the missile export was in exchange of nuclear know-how from Pakistan.
Bureau Report