Hyderabad, Oct 18: Tarundeep Rai (ASI) and Dola Banerjee (Jhar) emerged winners and leaped to top spot in the 3rd National Ranking Archery Championship held at the Sroornagar Stadium here today. Tarundeep logged an overall of 214.28 points to emerge first in ranking table followed by Satyadeb Prasad (Jhar 193.57) and Majhi Sawaiyan (ASI, 191.61) in the men's section.
Dola Banerjee took the top slot in women's section with 95.43 points followed by Chakravolu Sawro 88.8 and Reena Kumari 69.26 points.
In the finals of the Olympic round which ended today, Tarundeep defeated Shivnath Nageshia 2-0 while Viswas (ASI) trounced Kailash (UP) 2-0 for the third place.
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