Mumbai, Sept 02: Renowned litterateur Purushottam Patil and acclaimed vocalist Gulam Rasool would be conferred with "Gaurav-Vrutti" Award for 2003-04. This was announced by Prof R R Borade, the chairman of the State's Board for Literature and Culture at a press conference here today. The award would be distributed by the Chief Minister Sushilkumar Shinde sometime in December or January, he said. The award comrpises Rs 25,000, a memento and a scroll.
The board since 1982 is honouring every year prominent personalities from literature and arts.

So far 42 persons, including Madhavrao Bagul, Narayan Surve, Dr R C Dhere, Dr V B Kolte, Dr Sarojini Babar, V V Shirwadkar, Setu Madhavrao Pagdi, Ram Nagarkar, Indira Sant, Shivaji Sawant, Dr U M Pathan, Shankarrao Kharat, Shanta Shelke, Shanker Bapu Apegaonkar, Shahi Sable and Dr Gangadhar Pantawne has received the award.
Bureau Report