Washington, Feb 29: In a blunt comment on the continuing violence in Haiti, the White House, has called into question President Aristide's "fitness to govern" the country any longer.
"This long-simmering crisis is largely of Mr Aristide's making. His failure to adhere to democratic principles has contributed to the deep polarisation and violent unrest that we are witnessing in Haiti today. His own actions have called into question his fitness to continue to govern Haiti," White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said in a statement on Saturday.
"We urge him to examine his position carefully, to accept responsibility, and to act in the best interests of the people of Haiti," he added.
The statement blamed the looting and killings rampant in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince on gangs armed and directed by Aristide himself.
The White House also asked rebel forces approaching Port-au-Prince to cease their acts of violence to allow for a political solution.
The US will continue to work with the international community to provide humanitarian assistance to the Haitian people, McClellan said, adding it was preparing to support a multinational interim security force in the context of a sustainable political solution.
He, however, made it clear that many countries will not act until a viable political solution is in place in the strife-torn country. Bureau Report