Beijing, Nov 13: Pushing forward in its efforts to become an international diplomatic player, China announced plans today to host a UN meeting next month to discuss Palestinian statehood. The summit will be held in Beijing from December 16-18 and will be attended by more than 200 officials and experts from around the world, foreign ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said.

"China is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and has been committed to the peace process in the Middle East for a long time," Liu said. "We're willing to work with the international community to continue to make efforts in this regard." Liu said the meeting will focus on mobilizing international support for "the peaceful resolution of the question of Palestine."

The list of participating countries has not been finalized, the ministry said.

While China has growing economic and political ties in the Middle East, it has no direct security stake in the region. However, hosting the talks is likely to boost its image as a major global player. For the past few months, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia have been locked in a power struggle.

Bureau Report