A New Series Alert! Prime Video Begins Filming for Crime Thriller 'Matka King'. The series is produced by multiple National Award winners Siddharth Roy Kapur and Nagraj Manjule, along with Gargi Kulkarni, Ashish Aryan, and Ashwini Sidwani, under the Roy Kapur Films banner. Directed by Nagraj Manjule and co-written by Abhay Koranne and Manjule. 


Featuring Vijay Varma in a pivotal role,  Matka King is a fictional tale set in 1960s Mumbai, where an enterprising cotton trader who craves legitimacy and respect starts a new gambling game dubbed ‘Matka’.

Have A Look At Post : 

The post read, 'Ready to place our bet!

#MatkaKingOnPrime soon but filming now'

This game sweeps through the city, opening up a domain once exclusive to the wealthy and privileged, now accessible to all.

The series also stars an impressive cast, with Kritika Kamra, Sai Tamhankar, Gulshan Grover, and Siddharth Jadhav in key roles.

Upon its release, Prime members worldwide will have access to the series across more than 240 countries and territories.

Tuned in for more updates! 



