Colombo, Oct 18: Tamil Tiger rebels today concluded an extended overseas visit during which they held discussions with legal experts on the power-sharing proposal aimed at restarting the stalled peace process with the Sri Lankan government. The Tiger delegation led by the group's political wing leader S P Thamilselvan arrived this morning at the Bandaranaike international airport and was whisked away to the rebel-held Wanni by a government helicopter, airport officials said.

The delegation left here on October 2 for Ireland and later travelled to Norway and Sweden before returning home. In Dublin they consulted ethnic and foreign legal constitutional experts to finalise a set of proposals they agreed during a similar meeting in Paris in August.
Peace talks remain suspended since the sixth round in Hakone, Japan. The Tigers have said they will return to talks only if the government agrees to their proposal for an interim administrative council for the island's embattled northern and eastern regions.

Bureau Report