Dubai, May 29: Sherif Ali bin Hussein said in comments published today that he was the sole legitimate heir to the throne in Iraq and not prince Raad bin Zeid, another descendant of the royal family based in Jordan. "I don't think that a foreign party can have a political role in Iraq's administration," Sherif Ali told Asharq al-Awsat newspaper in reference to prince Raad's blood ties with Jordan's ruling Hashemite family.

"The Iraqis will not accept that, especially since an Iraqi royal family (already) exists and is devoted to the service of the Iraqi people," said Sherif Ali, who left Iraq 45 years ago at the age of two following the overthrow of the monarchy.

Sherif Ali, who currently lives in London where he works as a banker, heads the movement for Iraq' constitutional monarchy and is due to visit Iraq next week.

"Only the Iraqis have the right to manage their country," he said.

Bureau Report