Moscow, Feb 22: Russia will oppose any new UN Security Council resolution that would automatically authorise the use of force against Iraq, deputy foreign minister Yuri Fedotov said in an interview today. “We continue to believe that there is no need for a new UN Security Council (resolution) on Iraq,'' Fedetov told the Interfax news agency. “We are against a resolution that would automatically authorise the use of force.''

But, he said, if a new draft resolution is submitted to the Security Council, “Its contents will have to be studied.'' Fedetov did not say whether or not Russia's opposition would include the use of its veto power in the Security Council.
Russia has long been pushing for a peaceful solution to the Iraq crisis, and has supported letting UN weapons inspectors continue their work. “The inspections in Iraq must be continued and Baghdad should fully cooperate with the international inspectors,'' Fedotov said. A resolution drafted by the United States and Britain was expected to be put forth next week in the Security Council in a bid to gain support for using force to disarm Iraq.

Russia would be reluctant to use its veto power to block a new resolution, foreign minister Igor Ivanov said earlier in the week.

“It is used only in those situations where there is no way out ... Russia was always for preserving unity in the framework of the Security Council, above all among the permanent members because namely unity can be the guarantee of solving such problems of Iraq,'' Ivanov said on Thursday.
Bureau Report