Tehran, June 09: Iran today said that it does not feel legally required to report certain parts of its nuclear activities to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). "According to our understanding of article 38 of the agency's safeguards agreement we never felt obliged to report to the IAEA and we are not still convinced that we should have reported to the agency because their explanations were not convincing," foreign ministry spokesman Hamid-Reza Asefi told a weekly news conference.

The IAEA on Friday said that Iran had failed to honour its commitment to the nuclear safeguards agreement but Tehran rejected the statement saying the report did not mention a specific breach of the agency's protocols.
Asefi said that Iran had informed IAEA about importing uranium for peaceful purposes 12 years ago as a mark of goodwill to the agency.

"Still no significant issue was raised to the effect at that time," he said.
Bureau Report