British Marines landed at Bagram airport north of Kabul as the U.S. prepared to put more soldiers on the ground in Afghanistan to secure territory and help root out Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders in the country`s south. The British Marines are the first in what is expected to be a growing deployment of foreign troops sent to secure airports, clear roads and provide security for aid convoys and diplomats as the Taliban continue their retreat.
The French said they also may send troops within days. U.S. and European officials cautioned that the security forces would be temporary and would have sharply defined assignments.
With the British in control of the Bagram airfield, it is likely that U.S. or coalition troops will secure an airfield outside Mazar-e-Sharif near the Uzbekistan border.
The airfields in Bagram and Mazar-e-Sharif would be used to deliver aid or as a staging ground for commando raids. Bureau Report