Washington, Apr 12: US military officials have handed out to their troops packs of playing card-style pictures of 55 Iraqis, including Saddam Hussein and his two sons, to be captured or killed. The list includes what is left of the so-called "dirty dozen".

This is the name the Bush administration gave Saddam Hussein and his closest officials in autumn 2002 when it was laying the groundwork for prosecutions for chemical attacks, forced deportations, mass killings, torture, and other crimes against humanity. The list is an illustration of how the country was run - half of the dozen are Saddam Hussein's family members - two sons, three half-brothers and a cousin. The cousin, Ali Hassan Majid, nicknamed "Chemical Ali" for his role in a 1988 operation that used chemical weapons to kill thousands of Kurds in northern Iraq, is believed to have been killed by coalition bombing. US officials now say Iraqi leaders are trying to escape from the country, while others are believed to be hiding out in Tikrit - the home town of Saddam Hussein's clan.

Bureau Report