June 06: Annika Sorenstam has been challenged to a head-to-head shoot-out for $1m by a journeyman golfer. American John Riegger issued the challenge as a response to a claim by Sorenstam that if she played 30 events on the men's PGA Tour she could claim a place in the top 100.

Sorenstam recently played on the PGA Tour in the Colonial event in Texas and failed to make the two-round cut.

"I've been playing professional golf for 18 years and this is my seventh year on the tour and I've never finished in the top 125," said Riegger.
"I've always been in the 126 to 150 category, so I just made a challenge to her."
Riegger said he would be able to secure a backer for the match.

"She can play anywhere, anytime," said Riegger.

"She can pick the venue. We'll have cash on the tee if she wants to play.

"I think the general public has a misconception of how hard it is to finish in the top 125, let alone the top 100 on the money list," he said.
Riegger has never finished better than 13th in a PGA Tour event.
Bureau Report