Roseau (Dominica), Jan 07: Prime Minister Pierre Charles of Dominica collapsed and died, his press secretary said. He was 49. Charles died last evening after recently taking a doctor-ordered leave of absence, Press Secretary Sean Douglas said. He was pronounced dead at the Caribbean island's Princess Margaret Hospital, but the cause of death wasn't immediately clear. In late November Charles' cardiologist said the leader was to take a leave of absence because he needed to rest. In February, Charles had angioplasty surgery in Trinidad after complaining of chest pains while attending a summit for Caribbean leaders.
The surgery was repeated in Atlanta in August because Charles needed dilation of his coronary artery with more sophisticated technology, officials said. He also reportedly suffered from thrombosis.
After his death was announced, radio stations in the former British Colony switched to mournful music.
In recent weeks, concern over Charles' health led some other politicians to call for him to step down. Some of the criticism came from members of his own party.

After Charles' leave was announced, trade and foreign affairs minister Osborne Riviere was appointed acting Prime Minister in the former British Colony of 71,000 people.

Charles was born June 30, 1954, in the village of grand bay in southern Dominica. He became PM following the death of Prime Minister Roosevelt Douglas in October 2000.
Bureau Report