New Delhi, Sept 13: Ruling BJP and the main opposition Congress today came down heavily on Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf for his diatribe against India at the United Nations and charged him with attempting to intensify terrorist violence to subvert Jammu and Kashmir assembly elections. Reacting sharply to Musharraf using communal violence in Gujarat to attack India, BJP spokesman Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said had Hindus been "extremists" as alleged by Musharraf, Pakistan would have been wiped out from the world map.
Describing Musharraf's remarks on elections in Jammu and Kashmir as a case of "devil citing the scriptures," Congress spokesman Jaipal Reddy said "while Pervez Musharraf is doing as much to disrupt holding of free and fair elections, he is also lecturing on the virtue of democracy during his speeches at the United Nations and elsewhere."

Bureau Report