New Delhi: Residents of northern Queensland had an unexpected visitor this new year's eve – a three-and-a-half meter-long crocodile!


Imagine their surprise when they woke up to a view of the reptile lazing around in someone's backyard!

The croc had wandered up the Esplanade in Karumba and come to rest in the garden of a resident's house, where locals found him lounging behind a wired fence.

Wheelie bins and hay bales were used to construct a make-shift wall by the police and locals to contain the crocodile till wildlife experts could relocate it to a more suitable location.

Commissioner Ian Stewart praised his constables for their quick thinking and joked that they would have been doing "a lot of dancing" to keep a safe distance.

"It just shows you the diversity of policing in this great state of ours that we had police off wrangling crocodiles during the day ... while waiting for the appropriate department officers to come and take possession of it and move it somewhere more safe for that community," SBS reported.