Refuting reports of squabbling among the ministers, the Sri Lankan cabinet said it was united in its support to Norway's initiatives to reopen negotiations between the government and the LTTE, a state-run daily reported on Saturday. The ministers have agreed to the peace process and there are no differences of opinion, The 'News Today' quoted Media Minister Anura Priyadharshana Yapa as saying. The statement followed media reports that junior Defence Minister Anuruddha Ratwatte had alleged that the cabinet was kept in the dark on the peace moves and the ministers had learnt about the developments from the media.
“What minister Ratwatte meant was the course of action that should be taken for peace talks in a more effective manner,” Yapa said.
He accused privately-run 'The Island' newspaper of trying to sabotage the peace process.
The island said that the Ratwatte raised the issue of cabinet not being told about the negotiations at a meeting held after Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar on Tuesday announced plans for talks with rebels.
The 'Daily Mirror' said Ratwatte, a close relative of the president, was backed by several cabinet colleagues.
It said Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake upraided Ratwatte holding it was President Chandrika Kumaratunga's prerogative to take any initiative.
Ratwatte challenged the Prime Minister to deny that he was also unaware of the peace moves until media reports came out with it, the mirror added.
Bureau Report