The 17-day old BJP-led government in Goa, headed by Manohar Parrikar, won the vote of confidence in the State Legislative Assembly. The motion was adopted by voice vote. The one line motion, "This house expresses confidence in the council of ministers headed by Manohar Parrikar", was moved by Parrikar in the house earlier as soon as it assembled Thursday afternoon. In the 40-member house, the BJP has a strength of 20. Parrikar, who was sworn in along with a 13-member council of ministers on October 24, was asked by the governor Mohd Fazal to prove his majority on the floor of the house within 21 days. The party-position in the Goa assembly is: BJP (20), Goa Peoples Congress Party (seven), Congress (six), MGP (two), GPCP Venkatesh breakaway group (two), Sheikh Hassan –Congress splinter group (one), NCP (one) and independent (one). Bureau Report