There is no proposal to construct a safety corridor along the Indo-Pak border as this would involve rehabilitation of a large number of population, Home Minister, L K Advani stated in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday. The minister, who was replying to a supplementary during question hour, said construction of safety corridor was not possible as it would be very difficult to get sufficient land for rehabilitation of people who might get dislocated due to acquisition of their land.

“As far as the security of the nation was concerned, adequate steps had been taken to safeguard the borders,” Advani said. “Earlier, replying to the basic question, minister of state for home C Vidya Sagar Rao said that army has suggested shifting of population of 33 villages along the border to enable it to take effective steps to check infiltration. But the state government has not been able to find suitable land even for their rehabilitation,” he said.

Answering a supplementary, he said central funds have been provided to the government of Jammu and Kashmir for construction of bunkers to protect people living in areas along the line of control from firing and shelling from across the border. Bureau Report