Israel must in the coming weeks choose whether it wants peace or war, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat warned in an interview published on Monday. “It is for Israel to say in the coming weeks if it wants to resume the peace process or if it is going to continue down the same path, which will lead to an explosion and unleash a war which no one will be able to stop,” Arafat told the Saudi daily ‘Al-Watan’. “Everything depends on the manner in which the Israeli leadership reacts and the speed of intervention of the United States and the international community,” he said. “Arab leaders would hold an emergency meeting if the situation does not change,” Arafat added. “Arab leaders preferred to take a real risk by leaving the door open on the peace process, in the Middle East,” he said after the end of the Arab Summit in Cairo on Sunday. Arafat told the daily that he was working with other Arab leaders for peace, but a just and overall peace based on the implementation of international resolutions. Arab leaders threw their financial and moral weight behind the Palestinian surprising and threatened to cut ties with Israel. Bureau Report