“Women will from now be considered the family heads under Brazilian social welfare programmes,” news reports said.

“Mothers will receive money and land titles in poverty alleviation projects,” said the government's social welfare commissioner, Wanda Engel.

''Women are the pillars of the family, while our men often give up quickly in difficult situations,'' she was quoted as saying, on Monday. ''We can't claim that women are better than men at managing money and land, but we are convinced that the whole family profits when we hand the responsibility to the women,'' said the commissioner.

Brazilian law has so far favoured men in most of the family matters. Engel said that statistics showed women to stay with their children when men left them. This was the case in 44 per cent of poor Brazilian households.

Women were the recipients of financial aid in a programme against child labour by the government of Social Democratic President, Fernando Henrique Cardoso.

Mothers in the northeastern state of Pernambuco who could prove that their children went to school received about $ 15 to 23 per month every child. This had given to many, the financial freedom to walk out on their abusive husbands and led to a sharp increase in separations and divorces. Bureau Report