Manipur may come under spell of President's rule in the wake of raging ongoing political crisis in the state. Indications to this effect were given by Home Minister L K Advani while talking to newsmen in Silvassa on Saturday. He said that he had already talked to Congress President Sonia Gandhi seeking her party's co-operation in this regard. Home Secretary Kamal Pandey who was asked to brief Sonia Gandhi, was later directed to discuss the issue with senior West Bengal leader Pranab Mukherjee. Advani said that he would discuss the matter with Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee before the government takes a decision. Government needs Congress support in Parliament especially in the Rajya Sabha where it does not have a majority to get the approval for any presidential proclamation to bring the state under Central Rule. The north-eastern state of Manipur has been rocked by a serious political crisis in the wake of divisions within the united legislature front coalition, headed by Chief Minister W Nipamacha Singh, which is seeking to unseat Speaker Dhananjay Singh who is supported by the Opposition. Last month, the speaker abruptly adjourned the assembly Sine Die after the ruling side tabled a motion of No-Confidence against him. Bureau Report