In a fresh effort to break a deadlock over the start of new peace talks, Norwegian special envoy Erik Solheim will meet Sri Lankan President Chandrika Kumaratunga and LTTE leader V Prabhakharan when he arrives in Colombo on Monday.
The state-owned Sunday Observer said on Sunday that Solheim would call on the president and later travel to the LTTE-held northern vanni region to hold a second meeting with Prabhakaran.
During his visit, Solheim is expected to discuss proposals to end the differences between the Sri Lankan government and the LTTE over beginning a new round of peace.

Solheim, who was in New Delhi last week to discuss peace felicitation efforts in Sri Lanka, later visited London to meet LTTE spokesman, Anton Balasingham.
Hopes of peace talks increased after Solheim first met Prabhakaran on November 1, during which the LTTE agreed for unconditional talks, but later linked it to ceasefire and restoration of normalcy in the north and east by resumption of food and medical supplies.
The government maintains that all issues, including cessation of hostilities, could be decided in the course of the negotiations.
It has also spurned the LTTE's ceasefire offer made on December 25, and continued its military offensive in the northern Jaffna peninsula to win back large tracts of rebel-held territory.
Solheim's visit comes at a time whem Budhhist clergy and left wing Janatha Vimukhi Perumuna (JVP) are opposing Norway's role.

Bureau Report