Tottenham have apologised for a "wholly unacceptable" question asking whether "a woman`s place is in the home" that found its way into a survey sent to fans in the United States.


Posts on social media emerged from supporters of the Premier League club in America revealing they had received a club email with the subject heading "Calling all US Spurs fans: tell us what you think".

A screengrab of the email, complete with a club crest at the top, said Spurs wanted to find out about fans` views.

Supporters were invited to complete a survey, which the Premier League club later confirmed had been compiled by a third party.

One of the statements presented read: "A woman`s place is in the home". Below were the options "Definitely agree", "Tend to agree", "Neither agree nor disagree", "Tend to disagree" and "Definitely disagree".

Several US-based Spurs supporters said they had received the same question while completing the survey.

In a club statement issued late on Tuesday, a spokesman for Tottenham confirmed the question had been swiftly removed once the "regrettable oversight" was discovered.

"The survey questions were compiled by a third party on behalf of the club. The inclusion of this question in a club survey was wholly unacceptable and a regrettable oversight," the spokesman said.

"It has been immediately removed from the survey for any other fans now looking to fill this out.

"We sincerely apologise to anyone offended by its initial inclusion."