Seasonal holidays frequently result in overindulgence in food, excessive sitting, and indulgence in high-calorie foods. The weight gained over the holidays may seem insignificant, but most people don't lose it afterwards, and it can mount up over time. During the holidays, it might be difficult to stay true to your weight goals, but by employing a few easy techniques, you can keep your confidence, happiness, and overall health. Aside from following basic nutrition recommendations, you can avoid holiday weight gain by making little adjustments to your routine. 

12 Tips To Stay Healthy - 

  1. Stay Active - To prevent holiday weight gain, go for a walk or take a fitness class with family and friends.
  2. Snack Smartly - Avoid overindulging in snacks. Choose whole foods like fruits, veggies, nuts, and seeds over sweets.
  3. Mindful Eating - To better sense fullness and prevent overeating, concentrate on your food without distractions. 
  4. Get Enough Sleep - Getting enough sleep is important to avoid reduced metabolism and increased hunger, all of which can result in weight gain.
  5. Handle Stress - To prevent overindulging and cravings for junk food, manage stress by engaging in physical activity, meditation, or deep breathing.
  6. Increase Protein Intake - To increase feeling full and decrease calorie intake, include protein with every meal.
  7. Focus On Fibre - Consume a diet high in fibre, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, to help limit your consumption of calories.
  8. Limit Your Dessert Intake - To prevent overindulging, pick your favourite desserts and savour them gradually.
  9. Use Smaller Plates - To help regulate portion sizes and avoid overindulging, eat from a smaller plate.
  10. Weigh Yourself Often - Maintaining awareness of your weight objectives might be facilitated by routine weigh-ins.
  11. Avoid Processed Foods - Select complete, unprocessed foods instead of hasty, processed holiday fare.
  12. Stay Away From Seconds -  To prevent consuming additional calories from second helpings, stick to a single plate.

(This article is meant for informational purposes only and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical or fitness professionals.)