Zee Media Bureau


New Delhi: Diwali season, which is believed to bring joy and happiness and take away sorrows is finally here. And one thing which is synonymous to Diwali is definitely food.

Here are some food rules which you should keep in mind during this season:


Eat fearlessly


Fear of eating the wrong food knowingly or unknowingly can initiate the stress level so it's essential to consume fearlessly whatever you eat. So enjoy whatever you eat this Diwali.

Steady eating

Whatever your chew this festival, remember to do it slowly and steadily. This way you can enjoy the taste of everything delectable you swallow.

Maintain the alkaline level of your body


When you indulge in eating excess sweet and fatty food, your body will necessarily produce more acid. So remember to keep your body alkaline by consuming lemon water and including fruits and veggies in your diet.