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Mind-Body Connection: 4 Yoga-Based Techniques To Boost Daily Resilience And Performance

Learn how to balance the mind-body with simple yoga techniques and asanas that can uplift your daily resilience and enhance performance. 

Mind-Body Connection: 4 Yoga-Based Techniques To Boost Daily Resilience And Performance yoga-based resilience training proffers a holistic approach to bolstering mental fortitude (Image courtesy: Freepik)

Resilience, or the capacity to endure and bounce back from adversity to a state of equilibrium in well-being, is a skill in sports and life in general. While sports performance has traditionally been viewed through a physiological lens, it is critical to prioritise the psychological resilience of athletes - to further understand the imperative mind-body connection.

Dr Ishan Shivanand, Founder of Yoga of Immortals (YOI) meditative program says, "Research indicates that nurturing mental resilience not only enhances athletes' performance and enjoyment of sports but also shields them from situational depression and distress - stemming from personal setbacks or trauma. According to the Association for Applied Sports Psychology, it enables athletes to identify and strategically work towards their potential. How? By addressing their cognitive and socio-emotional needs with a holistic approach."

"To enable this, evidence-based meditative modalities need to be integrated into training protocols to optimize athletes' performance. ss a combination of yogic, breathwork and meditative methodologies, such techniques, when derived from the Indian Knowledge Systems, can reduce stress, enhance focus, and develop emotionally-regulated responses among athletes for peak health," adds Dr Ishan.

A study conducted among athletes in Mauritius exemplifies this. Participants involved in diverse athletic pursuits were randomly assigned to either undergo four weeks of yogic practices or receive no intervention. Utilizing the Sports Mind Inventory (SMI), researchers evaluated the impact of yoga-based activities on athletes' resilience to sports-related stress. Results showed that over 80% of participants experienced improvements in sports-related mental and emotional health, with notable increases in sports self-confidence (18%), mental resilience (16%), and positive mindset (14%), thus contributing to overall psychological well-being. Conversely, no such enhancements were observed in the control group.

Yoga-Based Techniques To Improve Mental and Emotional Health 

Yoga-based resilience techniques for sports resilience:

1. Breathwork: Breath awareness modalities can help them not only manage stress and promote relaxation, but also improve cognitive functioning for brain health and total wellbeing. By learning to control their breath, athletes can regulate their nervous system response, maintaining focus and composure during high-pressure situations.

2. Yoga-based meditative interventions: Yoga-based meditative protocols can help athletes with deep relaxation and enhance their mental focus. Practising meditation helps athletes enter a non-judgemental state of heightened or complete awareness. 

3. Lifestyle and behavioural modification: Implementing lifestyle modification practices such as visualization and journaling can help sportspersons with positive neuropathway creation - which can regulate their lifestyle disorders and adopt healthier habits.

4. Cognitive awareness: Sports resilience is also about learning, unlearning and relearning. Athletes can benefit from yoga-based awareness strategies that support managing stress, preventing burnout, and overcoming intrapersonal setbacks. 

Thus, yoga-based resilience training proffers a holistic approach to bolstering mental fortitude and emotional stability. While challenges may exist in integrating these practices into traditional sports cultures, they are capable of benefiting athletes' performance and overall quality of life.

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