New Delhi: Do you know kidney stones can occur more than once? Though many people believed that it happens one time only, but they are wrong as it can occur many times and more than just genetics. And there are various factors that leads to recurring of kidney stones.


Here are some factors which we all should be aware of:

Not drinking enough water

One should drink 1.5 litres of water daily and those with kidney stones problem are advised to drink double the amount, which means around 3 litres a day to prevent recurrence of kidney stones.

Poor quality of water

One of the reason of recurring of kidney stones is because of poor quality of wtare. People who drink water from wells are at high risk than those drinking tap water.

Foods habits

Consuming too much of aerated drinks like colas, which are acidic in nature, also increastes the risk of developing kidneys stones for the second time. So, avoid acidic foods, beetle nuts, chuna and salt

prevent the disease.

Thyroid cancer

Cancer of the thyroid tumour can affect the functioning of the parathyroid gland. As the parathyroid gland plays a key role in calcium metabolism, a tumour of the thyroid gland can affect parathyroid hormone, causing calcium deposition at abnormal sites, including kidneys.