New Delhi: Social media and Facebook have become synonymous with each other and the platform boasts of more than 1.94 billion monthly active users as of March 31, 2017.


The user base of the most popular social media portal seems to grow with every passing day and there are people who use it obsessively.

Their day starts and ends with checking their accounts and scrolling through updates. Many medical experts have raised questions on the impact of excessive use of social media on health, but a new study has focussed on devoted Facebook users, saying that those who check their Facebook profile all the time are likely to be more sad and unhealthy than those who use it sporadically.

Researchers from Yale University and the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), studied the pattern of Facebook use and mental health of 5,208 volunteers between 2013 and 2015 for the study.

The findings showed that increased use of Facebook was closely linked to "compromised social, physical and psychological health", reported on Sunday.

It also revealed that if users were updating their profiles or liking posts more than average, they were more likely to have mental health issues.

The report appeared in the American Journal of Epidemiology and was led by UCSD's Assistant Professor of Public Health Holly Shakya and Yale's Nicholas Christakis, who is Director of the University's Human Nature Lab.

(With IANS inputs)