ମୁଁ ଚିତାକୁ ଭୟ କରେ ନାହିଁ ସାର୍! ଭୟଙ୍କର ବାଘ ସହିତ ଖୁସିରେ ଶୋଇଥିବାର ନଜର ଆସିଲେ ବ୍ୟକ୍ତି, ଭିଡିଓ ଭାଇରାଲ
Mar 21, 2023, 22:26 PM IST
Man sleeping with Tiger Video: In the video, you can see how a person is sleeping comfortably with a blanket stretched out, while two cheetahs are also sleeping happily next to him. A third cheetah is roaming there and then goes to sleep on the person's lap. Is. The person also starts sleeping by holding it as if it is a pet dog.