Right content marketing is the key to everlasting success. It is one of the most profound ways of ensuring that your social media growth is not 'quick and sensational' but also 'long-term and sustainable'.


To reinforce such growth, there is a need to deploy strategies that vouches for growth that is in sync with time-tested performance and algorithm changes. Below are our top 5 best content ideas that should certainly be on your list for sustainable, results-driven and engagement oriented growth on social media platforms -

Performance driven audience analysis - Beaten to death but absolutely true if used in the correct way. Audience analysis is the ground prep to a solid foundation of followers who not only sit on your profile but also interact and convert into an audience that will bring you ads, brand deals, commissions and what not.

Audience analysis tools are present on almost all social media platforms in the basic version. They can also be upgraded for a better view of the profile of your potential viewers. A good smm panel can help you boost your social media marketing performance. If you are not able to estimate the right need at the right time then conversion will become a dream. Understand the psyche of people who might potentially be related to your niche and how you can draw their attention.

Right amount of Hashtags- Here's the thing, I uploaded a post with 6 hashtags on LinkedIn and it performed over 10 times better than a post with no hashtags with the same image. Lessons - Hashtags work like magic if you use them right. More and more people beyond your profile can find what they are looking on the platform and it gives any page bolstered exposure that stays for years to come. Gone are the days when hashtag stuffing worked, putting less but highly used and relevant hashtags does the job brilliantly.

Posting videos - Videos are scientifically more attention grabbing than post. With that, we don't mean that you stuff your feed with videos, but amalgamating video content has a tri-fold effect. It is good for your profile, the platform say Instagram, Facebook, etc (wondered why reels get so much traction?) and finally, good for your viewer. Let's understand how!

A video has more time attached to it than a post, so a user on say, Instagram will spend way more time on a reel/igtv rather than he spends while interacting with a post (generally) hence the average time spent by a user on Instagram increases with the more videos he watches.

Posting consistency and scheduling - As much as the algorithms vouch for it, posting in regular time slots not only develops a habit of receiving posts amongst your target audience but it also helps you in planning posts in advance and being more consistent with the schedule. Scheduling can be performed today with several tools and softwares that come inbuilt with several platforms and can be purchased with social media management tools too.

Major social media apps such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube provide posts scheduling and for more integrated scheduling services various other apps can be used.\

Optimized and Quality Content - Certainly the last but one of the most critical aspects to skyrocketing growth. You might deviate a bit from your posting schedule, not posting videos frequently but not providing quality content is not an option for any page creator who wishes to build a long lasting relationship with their audience. Finding a cheap smm panel is tough but if you find one you can increase your reach instantly. As per a report by ScoopWhoop, 2 posts are enough for your audience to realize that you are not providing quality but simply playing around and 4 posts are enough for them to leave your page and shift to your competitor's page.

Finding what your audience needs best can only work when you provide them value for each content, whether 2 lines or 20, they should be crisp, clean and value-serving.

These were some of the strategies that, if performed with 200 percent alignment, brings more targeted, catered and long term growth which sustains the test of time. Social media is not a race to be won but a marathon of consistent pace so that you sustain till the end.



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