Buoyed by thumping victory in Punjab, the Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party seems to betting big on the neighbouring state of Haryana for the upcoming assembly polls. The party has started a mega-membership plan in the state where it had planned to contest assembly elections last time, but had changed its mind at the last moment. However, this time, the party looks all set to contest the Lok Sabha polls 2022 with a greater might; and assembly polls scheduled for 2024.  


AAP's in-charge for Haryana, Sushil Gupta, told Zee Media that a number of people are joining the party in the state after its victory in Punjab. The Rajya Sabha MP said that the party issued the exact data in 3-4 days, however, more than 1 lakh people have joined the party after its victory in Punjab.

The AAP's membership campaign was conducted between 8.30 am - 1.30 pm for four days in a row in Haryana. It's being said that the party is receiving a positive response due to its performance in the neighbouring state of Punjab.

The AAP's membership campaign was conducted between 8.30 am - 1.30 pm for four days in a row in Haryana. It's being said that the party receiving a positive response due to its performance in the neighbouring state of Punjab.


Social media is abuzz with theories that AAP is trying hard to rope in IAS officer Ashok Khemka to its Haryana unit. Khemka, who was transferred multiple times during his civil services career, carries the image of being an anti-corruption crusader, that goes in line with AAP's prime agenda of clean governance.  

Haryana and Himachal Pradesh are said to be the two states with an opposition vacuum, or where there is weak Opposition - and the ruling BJP faces an anti-incumbency wave too.