Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh and  AAP MLA Manjinder S Sirsa on Tuesday took on Pakistan minister Fawad Chaudhary after he fired a provocative tweet on the Indian Army.


In his tweet, the Pakistani minister for science and technology said that Punjabis in the Indian Army should 'deny duty in Kashmir.' In response, Amarinder Singh fired back a tweet and reminded Chaudhary about how different the Indian Army is from the one across the border. "Stop trying to interfere in India's internal matter. And let me tell you that the Indian Army is a disciplined and nationalist force, unlike your Army @fawadchaudhry," he wrote. "Your provocative statement will not work, nor will the Soldiers in our Army follow your divisive diktats."



Sirsa too took to Twitter to and forewarned Chaudhary.  "Ch Fawad Hussain... just because u write a tweet in Punjabi doesn’t make you a well-wisher! You have hurt Punjabis with your words because we all are known to be true patriots and unwavering sentinels of India," he wrote.



A desperate Pakistan and its panicky politicians have been trying to conjure unrest wherever possible since India revoked Article 370 for peace and progress of Jammu and Kashmir. Chaudhary's tweet on Tuesday was, quite clearly, yet another attempt to create discord.

While Chaudhary may have unsuccessfully hoped to sow the seeds of divide in a highly disciplined and ferociously patriotic Indian Army, it has been proven with facts time and again that it is the Pakistani Army that has a questionable repute. Infamous for trying to control democratically-elected political leaders, the Pakistani Army also provides support and shelters terrorists to wage proxy wars against India.