Veteran actor Shabana Azmi on Saturday said at an event in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, that these days anyone who raises questions over government is branded as anti-national. Azmi stressed that it is not wrong to highlight the shortcomings of one's country because it helps in course correction which ultimately leads to progress.


Azmi said that it is necessary to raise questions over the shortcomings of the country because it is in the interest of the country. She added that if no one points out the flaws, the conditions would never improve. Azmi, however, rued the fact that these days the atmosphere in the country is such that if you criticize the government you will be called anti-national. The renowned actor did not name any political party of organisation but urged the people to not get afraid of this and asserted that nobody needs certificate of nationalism from anyone.

She said that Indians are proud of the heritage of this nation and they will keep struggling to preserve the inclusive nature of India. Azmi said that women are the worst sufferers of communal riots because their homes get destroyed due to riots and their children suffer hugely in that scenario.

Azmi said that India is a very beautiful country and anyone who talks about dividing India is not good for the country. She also raked up the issue of demolition of Babri Masjid and said that when the mosque was demolished, it must have been painful for Lord Rama because he was someone who always believed in peace and harmony.