New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday (November 11) announced the AAP's 10 guarantees for upcoming Delhi Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) polls. Announcing the Aam Aadmi Party's 10 guarantees Delhi CM promised to give "corruption-free" MCD and resolve the issue of garbage mountains in the national capital. Arvind Kejriwal in his 10 guarantees for MCD polls also vowed to clean the streets of Delhi and do the beautification of parks. Here are the 10 guarantees given by the AAP for the MCD polls

  1. Clearing the garbage mountains in Delhi and making the national capital beautiful clearing its street.
  2. Extortion will be checked and Delhi will be made corruption free.
  3. Resolution for parking problems in the national capital
  4. Solve the problem of stray animals in Delhi
  5. Repairing of roads and beautification.
  6. World-class education and healthcare facilities in MCD
  7. Beautification of parks
  8. Timely payments to all MCD workers
  9. Solution for all businessmen and merchants in the national capital
  10. Wending zone for vendors to check the corruption

Delhi CM said, "the BJP lied in the last MCD polls and promised to clear the garbage mountains in the capital but they could not do so and now they say garbage is there in every city." The 250-ward MCD goes to polls on December 4 and the counting of votes will take place on December 7.