Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is currently lodged in Tihar jail in connection with the alleged money laundering case related to Delhi Excise policy case. However, the war of words has continued between the Aam Aadmi Party and the BJP. On Thursday, a controversy arose over a photograph depicting Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal positioned behind bars, accompanied by portraits of Bhagat Singh and BR Ambedkar. 


The BJP promptly demanded the removal of the image. During a digital briefing led by Kejriwal's wife, Sunita Kejriwal, the backdrop featured portraits of Bhagat Singh and BR Ambedkar alongside a photograph of the Delhi chief minister in jail. Sunita Kejriwal relayed the chief minister's message from Tihar jail to AAP MLAs during the briefing. The BJP criticized the backdrop, alleging that it offended sentiments and insisting on the immediate removal of Kejriwal's photograph.

"Kejriwal is a corruption accused and by putting up his photograph between those of patriots such as Shaheed-e-Azam (Bharat Singh) and Dr Ambedkar, the AAP has insulted their dignity," alleged Virendra Sachdeva, the BJP's Delhi unit chief.

Senior AAP leader Atishi, on the other hand, alleged that the BJP-led Centre has sent Kejriwal to jail under false charges.

"Kejriwal is the symbol of the current struggle against the BJP's dictatorship. His photograph at our offices is to remind us that the struggle against the BJP is no less than the freedom movement," she told reporters.

"There was a time when people of the country fought against the British rulers. Now we are struggling against the 'dictatorship' of the BJP," she said.

In contrast, the BJP asserted that the AAP should feel "ashamed" for including Kejriwal's photograph among portraits of patriots.

The AAP has been constantly degrading "political decorum" by allowing the jailed chief minister's wife to sit and issue political messages from his "official room and chair", Sachdeva said.

Following Kejriwal's arrest by the Enforcement Directorate on March 21, Sunita Kejriwal has been participating in digital briefings with prominent Tricolours and portraits of Singh and Ambedkar displayed in the background, mirroring the setup used during Kejriwal's online briefings. Kejriwal remains in judicial custody until April 15 in relation to a money-laundering case associated with the Delhi government's previously annulled excise policy.