New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's Wagon R was stolen from near the Secretariat on Thursday evening.  Donated to Aam Aadmi Party by a supporter, it had become a part of Kejriwal's image - along with his muffler - in the run up to the Delhi elections.


It is interesting to note though that the car was not being used by Kejriwal who now makes use of an official vehicle. Delhi Police informed that the car was being used by a member of the AAP's media cell and that a First Information Report (FIR) has been registered. Footage from CCTV cameras in the area are also being checked.

Even as Delhi Police jumped into action, Twitterati were not too far behind and went into overdrive to make light of what is a serious matter.








Instances of car theft is a major problem in Delhi and adjoining areas and Delhi Police has issued several warnings in the past.