New Delhi: Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri on Friday said that due to coronavirus the aviation sector is facing additional challenges."The aviation sector has been facing challenges for many years. I have been saying that but due to coronavirus, the sector is facing additional challenges.


The airlines have been facing additional challenges but we are committed to helping them overcome those challenges," said Puri.

When asked about arrangements made by the country in the wake of coronavirus outbreak, the Civil Aviation Minister said, "All countries in the world are making arrangements.  US has taken some far-reaching measures, they have banned all travel from Europe into their country. The arrangements on our airports are functioning well."

"Passengers coming from the most affected countries are being separately screened. Their baggage is also being screened," he said.

India has reported 81 coronavirus positive cases till date out of which 64 are Indians, 16 Italians and 1 Canadian national.