New Delhi: Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Tuesday (May 5) arrested a Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL), Dhanbad official for allegedly taking bribe from an employee for allowing him to rejoin duty after the lockdown. 


According to reports, the central probe agency arrested BCCL official Kishori Prasad Rout, dealing with attendance of workers, for demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs 3000 from the complainant. The BCCL official was booked under Section 7 of the PC(Amendment) Act, 2018 on a complaint. 

The Attendance Clerk of Sendra Bansjora Colliery, Sijua Area, BCCL, Dhanbad is alleged to have demanded an illegal gratification of Rs 3,000 from the complainant for allowing him to join duty after the lockdown.

The CBI laid a trap and caught the accused red-handed on today while demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs 3,000 from the complainant. 

The agency also recovered incriminating documents pertaining to the motive of bribe during searches at the premises of accused, who will be produced before the Special Judge, CBI cases, Dhanbad.

Notably, the CBI followed all requisite precautions while arrested the official in view of the COVID–19 situation.