In what should have been a time of celebration and familial bonding on Raksha Bandhan, a disturbing incident has cast a shadow over Nathdwara, a town in Rajasthan. The victim, a young woman, has come forward with accusations of misconduct against a group of individuals, raising questions about safety and respect during festive occasions.

A Twisted Turn of Events: Victim's Account


According to the victim's account, the alleged incident occurred during a gathering at Hotel Krishna Palace. She revealed that one of the accused, with whom she had been in contact for several months, invited her to what was seemingly a birthday party. However, upon arriving at the hotel, she found herself in the company of not only the acquaintance but also three other individuals.

The victim further alleges that the group offered her alcohol and coerced her into consuming it. Subsequently, their behavior took an inappropriate turn, leaving her deeply distressed and traumatized.

Initial Hurdles and Pursuit of Justice

Upon experiencing the distressing incident, the victim sought help from local authorities. However, her initial attempt to report the incident was met with challenges, as her complaint was allegedly not registered promptly. It was only through the intervention of a youth leader from the Congress party that her case gained the attention it deserved. The Congress leader ensured that a formal complaint was lodged and that the victim's claims were taken seriously.

Swift Police Response and Ongoing Investigation

Thane Adhikshak (Deputy Superintendent) Sunil Sharma addressed allegations of a delayed police response, emphasizing that the victim's report was acted upon promptly. The victim underwent a medical examination, and authorities are currently conducting a comprehensive investigation into the matter. Deputy Superintendent Dinesh Sukhwal is overseeing the case to ensure a thorough examination of the evidence and a fair resolution.

Community Calls for Justice and Safety

This unsettling incident has drawn attention to the importance of ensuring the safety and dignity of individuals, especially during festive celebrations. The community's collective demand for justice underscores the need for swift and appropriate action against those responsible for the alleged misconduct. As the investigations continue, the incident serves as a reminder of the significance of upholding respect and responsibility, even during times of celebration.