New Delhi: In a surprise move, Bhopal Collector Avinash Lavania ordered that people would require to show ID proof before entering any Garba events in the city. According to reports, this is the first time the administration has made proof of identity mandatory before Garba events. 


Home Minister of Madhya Pradesh Narottam Mishra said, "It has been made necessary to show identity card on admission so that there is no untoward situation in garba events."

Earlier, MP minister for Tourism and Culture Usha Thakur had stated that no one must be permitted into Garba pandals without ID cards. Thakur alleged that Garba events had become a hub of love jihad and that people must show their ID cards so they won't be able to conceal their identity.

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Commenting on this statement, the Congress social media media department chairman K K Mishra said, "With elections approaching, these kinds of statements are being given intentionally. The ‘love jihad’ allegation levelled by minister is humiliation of Hindus and Hindu religion. Be it Usha Thakur or any other BJP leader, such statements are coldly calculated and purposeful defamation of Hindus and Hindutva.. This is a way of creating unrest and fear between communities."

However, the BJP had defended the idea citing the security threats from the 'Popular Front of India'.