Patna: Days after the arrest of a man for allegedly sharing "fake" videos of attacks on migrants in Tamil Nadu on social media, the Bihar Police on Friday registered a fresh FIR against four persons as part of its probe into the case. The Economic Offences Unit (EOU) of the state police filed the FIR against Youtuber Manish Kashyap, Yuvraj Singh and two others "on the charges of indulging in spreading fake videos of migrants being killed and beaten up in Tamil Nadu on social media", a senior officer said. "Despite repeated summons by investigators, both Manish Kashyap and Yuvraj Singh did not turn up before the EOU sleuths. They are absconding. Now the EOU has initiated a process to arrest them," Bihar Police (Headquarters) Additional Director General JS Gangwar told reporters here on Friday.


The EOU had on March 6 registered its first FIR in connection with the case and booked four persons. Those named in the case are Aman Kumar, Rakesh Tiwary, Yuvraj Singh Rajput and Manish Kashyap.

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It had already arrested Kumar from Jamui in connection with its probe into the case.
"Investigations by the EOU have revealed that the accused were indulging in spreading fake videos of migrants being killed and beaten up in Tamil Nadu on social media. Thirty such videos were shared on social media, forcing migrant workers from Bihar to flee Tamil Nadu in panic".

Notices have already been sent to social media service providers for "preserving 42 such videos for further investigation", the ADG said.

"A 10-member team of the EOU is analysing these videos...And those posting and sharing such videos for spreading rumours will be dealt with strictly. The Tamil Nadu police have also registered 13 cases to probe the matter," Gangwar said.

The Tamil Nadu administration has opened help desks for the people to lodge complaints against those who are indulging in such activities and also for those who need any assistance, he said.

The Bihar government had, last week, sent a four-member team to the southern state to coordinate with officers who were investigating the matter there.