New Delhi: BJP leader and Uttar Pradesh's Health Minister has reportedly requested that he be given either the bungalow vacated by Akhilesh Yadav or that by his father Mulayam.


News agency ANI has reported that in a letter dated May 31, Singh put in a request to the Principal Secretary that he be allotted Bungalow No. 4 - previously home to Akhilesh, or Bungalow No. 5 - previously home to Mulayam. Both bungalows are located in Lucknow's Vikramaditya Marg.

In his letter, Singh has reportedly said that the office space in his current bungalow is not big enough to accommodate his staff and visitors. Interestingly, both Akhilesh and Mulayam had cited the same reason when they had sought more time to vacate their respective bungalows following a Supreme Court order.

Supreme Court had ordered that former CMs of UP vacate official bungalows that were allotted to them. Akhilesh and Mulayam had asked for two years to find a suitable accommodation but Akhilesh eventually packed up and moved out on June 9. A massive furore erupted shortly after when it was found that he had apparently left the bungalow in a sorry state. At the time, Singh had led BJP's charge against Akhilesh and questioned how an educated politician could have allowed taps and tiles to be removed.

In his defence, Akhilesh had said that many of the things removed from the bungalow were put in place using his own money.