New Delhi: Union Health Secretary Preeti Sudan on Tuesday (May 26) interacted through video conference with Chief Secretaries, Health Secretaries, and NHM Directors of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, and Madhya Pradesh to assess the situation as these states are witnessing a surge in COVID-19 cases.


The spurt in coronavirus cases in these 5 states is seen as the lockdown rules were eased and inter-state migration has been allowed for the last three weeks.

The Health Secretary held the high-level review meeting with the top officials of the states to deal with the situation.

Meanwhile, the spread of the novel coronavirus has shown no indication of slowing down with the increased mercury. In the last 15 days, the COVID-19 cases have steadily climbed the graph adding in two weeks more cases than it did in the first 100 days. 

The Health Ministry data today revealed that there were 6,535 new cases added in 24 hours which also witnessed 146 new fatalities.

As the total tally of COVID-19 cases in India touched 1,45,380, showing continued spurt in the cases hovering close to 6,000 before almost touching the 7,000-mark. The cases on Monday were 6,977, Sunday -6,767, Saturday -6,654, Friday -6,088 while on Thursday 5,614.

Of the total COVID-19 cases so far 80,722 are active, 60,490 people have been cured while 4,167 have died. 

Notably, at least 2,769 people have been cured in the past 24 hours.