New Delhi: China's role, when it comes coronavirus crisis was not discussed at the G20 virtual summit that took place on Thursday evening. 


A source who was present at the meet, when asked if G20 countries questioned China, said, "The spirit of the meet was cooperative, did not see reference to origin or crisis and who was responsible, but on mitigating the hardship due to crisis."

The first case of the coronavirus was reported in Wuhan, the capital of China's Hubei province. In a matter of three months, globally more than 5 lakh people got the coronavirus infection.

The source said that there was "no effort to blame anyone" to deal with the issue, also "individual leaders spoke in one voice".

China is being criticised for initial cover-ups that led for things to go out of control. China has been miffed over the use of the word "Chinese virus", made more popular by US President Donald Trump who has been using the term in his twitter posts. 

The G20 countries met on Thursday evening via video conference to come up with a joint action plan to deal with the coronavirus issue. During the emergency meeting, it was decided that G20 countries will inject $5 trillion into the global economy to deal with the social, economic and financial impacts of the crisis.