Amid rising border tensions between India and China and New Delhi's decision to ban 59 Chinese mobile applications over security issues, the US on Wednesday (July 1) said that Washington was closely monitoring the situation between two Asian nation neighbours.


Kayleigh McEnany, White House press secretary, said during a press briefing that both India and China are willing to de-escalate and reduce tensions along Line of Actual Control (LAC) and US support a peaceful resolution of current situation.

"With regard to India and China, we are closely monitoring the situation. Both India and China have expressed a desire to de-escalate. We support a peaceful resolution of current situation," said McEnany.

McEnany added that US President Donald Trump has said that the aggressive stand adopted by China along the LAC fits with a larger pattern of Chinese aggression in other parts of the world

"Donald Trump has said that China's aggressive stance along India-China border fits with a larger pattern of Chinese aggression in other parts of the world. These actions only confirm true nature of the Chinese Communist Party," said the White House press secretary.

Earlier, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo praised India's decision to ban 59 Chinese apps, including TikTok and WeChat, and stressed that the move would "boost India's integrity and national security".

"We welcome India's ban on certain mobile apps. India's clean app approach will boost India's sovereignty and boost integrity and national security," Pompeo said. 

The border tension between India and China escalated on June 15 when 20 Indian Army personnel were martyred after violent clashes with Chinese troops along the LAC in Galwan Valley of eastern Ladakh.

After the ban on 59 Chinese apps, India on Wednesday (July 1) took two more decisions that are likely to cause economic injury to China. The first decision is that India will no longer give entry to Chinese companies in its highway projects. The second decision taken by the Ministry of Communications cancelled the 4G Upgradation tender of BSNL, the state-run telecom company.