New Delhi: Bharat Biotech on Wednesday announced the phase 3 results of its coronavirus vaccine ‘Covaxin’ claiming the shots have demonstrated an interim clinical efficacy of nearly 81 per cent.


In a press release, the Hyderabad-based company said, “Today is an important milestone in vaccine discovery, for science and our fight against coronavirus. With today’s results from our Phase 3 clinical trials, we have now reported data on our Covid-19 vaccine from Phase 1, 2, and 3 trials involving around 27,000 participants. COVAXIN demonstrates high clinical efficacy trend against coronavirus but also significant immunogenicity against the rapidly emerging variants.”

Chairman and Managing Director of Bharat Biotech Dr Krishna Ella said, "Covaxin demonstrated 81% interim efficacy in preventing Covid-19 in those without prior infection after the second dose."

“There is a strong interest in Covaxin from many countries around the world, and the company is fully committed to ensuring supplies promptly and efficiently,” the statement read.

An additional interim analysis is planned for 87 cases, and the final analysis is planned for 130 cases, the company said.

All data from the second interim and final analyses will be shared via pre-publication servers as well as submitted to a peer-reviewed journal for publication, the statement said.

Bharat Biotech said more than 40 countries globally have expressed their interest in Covaxin.

Meanwhile, on Monday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was administered COVAXIN on the very first day of expansion of the inoculation drive to cover people aged 60 and above and those between 45-59 having co-morbidities.