New Delhi: India on Sunday logged 2,380 fresh COVID-19 infections, while the number of active cases came down to 27,212 from 30,041 the day before, according to Union health ministry data. With the fresh cases, the COVID-19 tally increased to 4.49 crore (4,49,69,630). The death toll climbed to 5,31,659 with 15 fatalities, the data updated at 8 am stated.


At 27,212, the active cases comprise 0.06 per cent of the total infections. The national COVID-19 recovery rate was recorded at 98.75 per cent, the ministry said.
The number of people who have recuperated from the disease surged to 4,44,10,738, while the case fatality rate stood at 1.18 per cent.

According to the ministry's website, 220.66 crore doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered so far under the nationwide vaccination drive.

Earlier, the World Health Organisation (WHO) on Friday announced that Covid-19 pandemic is over as a global health emergency. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO, made the announcement while addressing a media briefing on Covid-19 and global health issues.

"It is therefore with great hope that I declare #Covid19 over as a global health emergency. However, that does not mean Covid-19 is over as a global health threat. Last week, Covid-19 claimed a life every three minutes - and that's just the deaths we know about," he said.

"As we speak, thousands of people around the world are fighting for their lives in intensive care units. And millions more continue to live with the debilitating effects of post-#Covid19 condition," the Director General of WHO added. The WHO had declared Covid-19 as a global emergency in January 2020.